Dragonflies in newspapers dan magazines

This page is divided in two sections: Pictures and Articles

As you see, this page is not complete; I think that I have just found a minor part of the dragonflies in the Swedish magazines. Thus supplements are more than welcome. Sometime, when I get the time I will include magazines earlier than 1996.


Magazine Issue Page Sort Photographer Remark
Fältbiologen 2/1996 16 Coenagrion hastulatum Tobias Ivarsson Black and white photo
Fältbiologen 2/1996 17 Aeshna subarctica Tobias Ivarsson Black and white photo
Camera Natura 2/1996 21 Lestes sponsa Leif Rustand/NN The piture text says that this is a Calopteryx, but I'm almost sure that it's a Leses sponsa, see correction in Camera Natura 3/1996 page 69.
Fältbiologen 3-4/1996 36 Cordulegaster boltoni Göran Salén  
Fältbiologen 3-4/1996 37 Brachythron pratense? Tobias Ivarsson  
Fältbiologen 3-4/1996 38 Aeshna sp. Tobias Ivarsson Black and white photo
Camera Natura 4/1996 1 Leucorrhinia sp. Bård Løken/NN  
Camera Natura 4/1996 23 Enallagma cyathigerum Jan Töve/N The piture text says that this is a Lestes sponsa, but I'm almost sure that it's a Enallagma cyathigerum, a Lestes is bronze colored, not blue.
Sveriges natur 6/1996 70 Aeshna grandis Valborg Andréasson  
Sveriges natur 6/1996 70 Calopteryx splendens Anna Maria Eriksson This damselfly is stunned, it's head is slinting
Små korn 1/1997 11 Brachythron pratense Martin Peterson The piture text says that this is a "Mosaic Darner", but it's a Brachythron pratense.
Camera Natura 4/1997 67 Cordulia aenea/ Somatochlora sp. Stig Tronvold  
Sveriges natur 5/1998 66 Aeshna grandis Kenneth Bengtsson  


Magazine Issue Page Article name Article name in English Author Remark
Fältbiologen 2/1996 16-17 Trollsändeknuff 1996 Dragonfly "push" 1996 Tobias Ivarsson Fältbiologerna named 1996 as "the year of the dragonfly" and arranged dragonfly activities
Fältbiologen 2/1996 18 Bygg en håv Make a catching-net Tobias Ivarsson  
Fältbiologen 3-4/1996 36-37 Ny trollsändebok New Dragonfly book Göran Salén Göran Salén presents the new edition of his book "Svenska trollsländor"
Fältbiologen 3-4/1996 38 Skåda sländor Study dragonflies Tobias Ivarsson Tobias promotes dragonfly studies
Fältbiologen 5/1996 16-17 Vem tar vem i trollsländesjön? Who takes who in the dragonfly lake?Frank Johansson  

Page updated June 21 2008
Copyright © 2004-2008 Martin Peterson